The Vision
"It was All a Dream"
Let’s face it! We all have dreams and the desire to accomplish them! Well, Let’s get clear on what that is and create a plan to get you where you want to be. NLP Processes and Hypnosis are great ways to help eliminate excess information that could be slowing down your decision making.
By correcting the thought process and aligning your values, you will live the life you want while enjoying the journey to making your dreams become your reality. It just takes one step to get the ball rolling, and I’m here to help you along the way.
Overview And Experience

There is No Failure, Only Feedback
Scott King has spent over 20 years as a Professional DJ/MC/Stage Entertainer at the Theme Parks in Orlando, FL. He has been accredited as a professional in his profession since he moved to the Central Florida area in 2002. He has opened for National Recording Acts like DJ Jazzy Jeff, Backstreet Boys, The Four Tops, Weezer, and Train, to name a few. He has been flown all over the country, including China, to deliver music video DJ shows. He understands what it takes to deliver high-quality professional performances. Scott’s hard work and dedication set him apart from his peers because he refuses to accept failure as an answer.
His success in the entertainment business has left him wanting to learn more about human behaviors and why people can be so superficial in such a smoke and mirrors environment. Talent agencies will say one thing to get you to do what they want and leave you high and dry in your time of need. Also, why is it okay for talent agencies to treat their talent like their hard work and dedication don’t build seniority when you have much time, money, and energy invested in their business? The talent agencies will tell you that you have security in their company, but for the most part, they don’t mean it.
Scott found answers to his question in the neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and hypnosis world. After reaching his breaking point and being gaslit by a narcissist, he was left confused, frustrated, and lost.
Because he was so passionate about finding answers, he decided to go “all in” in the NLP and hypnosis world. He wasted no time taking as many classes as he could find and afford while passing all his certifications with flying colors. What he found was so powerful that he decided to become a life coach and hypnotist. Understanding human behavior became his passion. Scott’s new life goal is to empower as many people as possible while helping his clients become aware of toxic manipulators so they can live the life they want to live.
As of now, Scott has four certifications in NLP and hypnosis. He is continually learning and growing and is constantly taking master classes to get even better at getting his clients to reach their goals the fastest way possible.