Narcississtic abuse empowerment coach

Narcissistic Abuse Empowerment Coaching

Take the first step to one on one coaching to break free, become empowered and live the life you want to live

Are you ready to do something about your situation?

We know it takes work and We're here to get you on the right track!

I’m confident I get you moving in the right direction for you.

As a high-profile DJ entertainer in a world-class establishment, I’ve been up against some of the most toxic narcissistic manipulating personalities out there. I was able to break free and create my path, and I know I can teach those steps and skills to empower you to do the same.

Take back control of your life today by setting up a free consultation meeting and get even more help from my active online community.

We hold weekly meetings and one-to-one coaching to get things moving with quickness because I know how serious a situation like this can be.

Do you want to learn how to break free from Narcissistic Abuse? We understand the journey, and we are here to support you each step of the way. Our courses outline the process it takes to become empowered from toxic relationships and on to the right path.

 Recovery from narcissistic abuse is possible! These thirteen videos will help you understand the steps it takes to become empowered from narcissistic abuse and on to the right path.

Do you feel like being abused, taken advantage of, or used? Are you looking for a way out of these toxic relationships? There is hope and I want you to know that you’re not alone! Learn how to break free from these toxic relationships with these thirteen empowering videos. 

Find out how to break free from toxic relationships with these 13 video sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

What is a Narcissist?

In the most simplistic form of a definition, a Narcissist is explained as having an inflated, grandiose self-image.

Think they’re better looking, smarter, and more important than other people. They deserve special treatment.

What is Narcissistic Abuse?

Abuse can take many forms from a narcissist. One way narcissistic abuse can be described is that this person uses other people as a supply to feed their ego. They have little ability to love, lack empathy, and might be a covert narcissist (hidden from the public). Even a well-educated person can be tricked and abused by them, never knowing they are with a narcissist until the end or grand finale.

What is Gaslighting?

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that often occurs in narcissistic abusive relationships. It is a covert type of emotional abuse where the narcissist misleads the target, creating a false narrative and making them question their judgments.

Most people are surprised by how such minor changes in speech or actions make a huge difference when questioning your reality.

What Can I do in My Current Situation?

Set Boundaries – A Narcissist wants to be in control, so they will try and be the dominant force, either physically or verbally. It’s best to establish boundaries to limit the amount of interaction you have with this person. In a work environment, you may want to limit your contact with this person and just do what your requirements are to keep your job as you look for employment with another company. Setting Boundaries becomes more challenging in a relationship, so you would want to start looking at your exit strategies. 

Can I fix or change a Narcissist?

In most cases.  Once you begin to challenge the stance of a Narcissist, they tend to become more forceful. They don’t think that what they are doing is wrong and most times they think it’s a problem with the other person. 

What Happens Next?

Develop Your Exit – In most cases, you won’t be able to stay in this relationship because the Narcissist won’t change or think that they are doing something wrong. They have their view of how the world operates, and in most cases, their ideals will only pivot to their belief structure. So, it’s essential to be aware of your current situation and have a clear vision of where you would like to be when you are free from the Narcissistic relationship. Map out your steps to create that life you want to live. 

Let's Get to it!

Sessions can be scheduled over Zoom and Landing on this page was the first step into making your future brighter.  Make sure to join our active communities so that you can be get up to date information and stay on top of the discussion topics so you can start implementing change immediately. 

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